GNLCC 2013
This page is dedicating to providing additional information related to our working group’s Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative grant request filed in February 2013. We are requesting funding to support the development and implementation of connectivity analyses that will (1) inform conservation action under current and future climates for the British Columbia–Washington transboundary region, and (2) test assumptions of model predictions in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion. Our efforts emphasize connectivity analyses focused on the Okanagan-Kettle subregion where a transboundary partnership will identify site-specific habitat areas and linkages, including those expected to be most resilient to climate change and future human development. We build upon previously funded work in the Columbia Plateau to rigorously evaluate expert-opinion based connectivity models with empirical data.
Supplemental information to our GNLCC request is divided into the parts that our request is organized into.
Part I: Informing Connectivity Conservation Action under Current and Future Climates for the British Columbia–Washington Transboundary Region
Part II: Testing Assumptions of Model Predictions in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion.
- Project Proposal Summary: Habitat Model Development and Connectivity to Potential New Habitats for Greater Sage-Grouse in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion (PDF file)
- Project Proposal Summary: Model validation for Washington ground squirrel and western rattlesnake (PDF file)
- Project Proposal Summary: Phase II of Validation of Connectivity Models for white-tailed (Lepus townsendii) and black-tailed jackrabbits (Lepus californicus) in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion—DNA analysis and report.